Do you have some more information about studying at Utrecht University?

With approximately 30,000 students and over 6,500 members of staff, Utrecht University is the largest and
most renowned university in the Netherlands. Utrecht University is a research university comprising seven
faculties, which collectively span the entire academic spectrum in teaching and research. Founded in 1636, the University is now a modern, leading institute enjoying a growing international reputation. In the prestigious Shanghai Academic Rankings of World Universities 2020, Utrecht University ranks 1st in the Netherlands, 15th in Europe and 52nd worldwide.

Utrecht University offers a broad range of 49 undergraduate and 146 graduate programmes, the latter including many English-taught programmes. Every year, more than 2,000 international degree-seeking students and international researchers stay in Utrecht for variable periods of time.

Utrecht University is linked to the names of many prominent academics among whom
are Buys Ballot, Donders, Rudolf Magnus, Van Unnik and Freudenthal. The list also includes twelve Nobel Prize Winners.

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